Every day I look forward to this dumb reading class. It occurs three times a week. I get to class early and so does he. Tommy is never late for class. We both sit on the floor outside the class room. We don't talk but we notice each other. Our glances are unspoken flirts.
Class is about to start and we sit in our usual seats. That is until Molly wants to sit in the chair that Tommy's occupying. She kindly asks him to move but he is refusing. He is a hefty guy and she proceeds to push his hefty figure in the desk and slide him to the side and back towards my desk. Once she has moved him up against my desk she moves her desk back to where Tommy was once sitting. She is now focused on the guy sitting next to her.
Tommy turns to me and says, "Can you believe her? She really wanted to talk with that guy." He sits smiling and staring for my response. I smile quickly and look back at my magazine. TIME magazine. We both look down at the magazine and on the cover is a prescription pill with a fit female body in a leotard and the words "The Hot New Diet Pill - REDUX." Great why couldn't I (this chubby girl) be reading something more appealing?
He looks up and we meet eyes. "Is it any good?" I see his eyes trail to my name and address that is labeled on my magazine subscription.
"Uh, I don't know I just got it in the mail." He smirks and turns around to pay attention to the teacher. Our exchange was brief but enough for me to memorize his words and his voice. Now that he is sitting closer to me I can smell his cologne. It is Polo Sport. I can't quite remember but I am sure I am inhaling pretty deeply.
I finally focus back on class. I hear the teacher say the words 'Group Project and get into groups of three." I cringe at the thought of group projects. I came from a private school, home school environment. So depending on others to do their part of the project takes a lot of faith for me. I am not happy about this assignment.
Tommy turns back and says "Veronica, wanna be in my group?" I know I heard his words but I am unsure I understand the meaning. I nod. Then I hear the teacher ask if someone doesn't have a group. One random guy raises his hands and she immediately ask the class who has only two in a group. Tommy raises his hand and immediately random guy is part of our 'group.'
Together our trio discusses when and where to meet to work on our assignment. Tommy and I exchange phone numbers in case we need to talk about the work. Random guys name is unknown, i cant remember it, maybe Philip?
That night i receive a phone call. It is Tommy . He says " Hey, what are you doing?" Little did i know this question would be a line that would be anything but basic to me in the future. "I am doing some homework. What's up?" He takes a breath and I can hear him stretching as he says "I spoke with Philip and made arrangements to meet in one of the private study rooms in the library tomorrow at six, around dinner time. Is it okay that i finalized the details, I didn't want you wasting time discussing details with him?" He is silent waiting for my answer. It's very sweet he took the opportunity to handle this part of our assignment. I am softened by his gesture.
"Tommy that was nice of you, Thank you." it's silence on the phone. He sighs again.
" Okay, well I will see you tomorrow night. Goodnight Veronica" He is absolutely the sweetest.
"Goodnight Tommy, and thanks." I am smiling as i say this and continue even after i hang up the phone. All i am thinking is 'TOMMY NICHOLS JUST CALLED ME!'
As i come down from my trance I am left wondering about him. Is everything I have heard about him true? Or is he truly a sweetheart and am I in trouble?